About Us
Our Mission:
To connect and foster constructive dialogue as well as information and resource-sharing among Myanmar students, graduates of U.S. higher education programs, and professionals, so as to further educational opportunities and professional success, whereby promoting unity and collectively contributing to the society in which they currently reside and in their native land.
Aims and Objectives:
General Information and Membership:
The MSPNUSA membership is free and eligible members should be those who identify themselves as a Myanmar, are originally from Myanmar and are currently enrolled in or graduated from higher education institutions in the United States. These students may now be living in the U.S., Myanmar, or elsewhere.
The Myanmar Student and Professional Network USA was created and designed to serve as a grassroots and social network platform through which students, graduates of U.S. universities and colleges and professionals in different fields can remain connected and share ideas throughout their journey of intellectual inquiry and professional development. By doing so, the group aims to promote mutual understanding among group members and foster a common interest and mutual goals through sharing resources and information regarding higher education, scholarship, internship, jobs, and professional opportunities. Group members are encouraged to share resources and post content that will benefit all members of the group or support Burmese society as a whole. All members are encouraged to contribute and actively participate.
This group channels are not a forum for partisan political objectives or discourse. Information posted that benefits a particular individual, party, or business will be removed. Inflammatory speech will not be tolerated.
View a list of participants here.
Role of Coordinators/Administrators:
Approximately five administrators will be selected, one from each of the following regions of the United States: East Coast, Midwest, South, and West Coast, and ultimate goal will be to have one representative from each state with a considerable Burmese-American population. Each administrator’s role and responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following tasks:
1) Identify individuals who are qualified to be part of the Myanmar Student and Professional Network USA and invite them to participate.
2) Research and post content approximately once a week to the network/groups that covers higher education, scholarship/fellowship, internships, or professional opportunities.
3) Coordinate and administer Myanmar High School Students Network USA, including community outreach, preparing database, identifying and matching with current college/universities/professionals mentors to high school students, sharing information on colleges/universities, scholarships etc.
4) Assist with the organization of the National Conference that will be held once every two years (exact frequency to be determined).
Note: Myanmar High School Students Network USA is created separately.
Compensation: All coordinators and/or administrators serve on volunteer basis. Depending on the availability of funds, monetary awards in the form of stipends or gifts may be made at a future date.
Collaborative partners include all Myanmar students and professional based associations.